Food is always news so there are thousands of stories circulating about what is going on in the industry. Here are two tips about meetings and one about a new product that seems to be a twist on an old standard.
Heirloom foods preservation
This conference is happening right now in Santa Rosa, CA. The 9th Annual National Heirloom Expo, is looking at preserving heirloom foods without genetic modification, Sept. 10-12 from 9 a,m, to 9 p.m.
Held at the Sonoma County Event Center at the FairGrounds, the event is primarily for chefs, farmers and food organizations. The expo includes speakers, products and tastings. Tickets are $15 for single day and $30 for three-day pass. For more information visit The National Heirloom Expo.
Naturally Chicago Quarterly Keynote and State of the Natural Industry
SPINS report on growth in the Good Food and Natural Products sector. SPINS, a Naturally Chicago co-founder, collects wellness-focused data technology followed by Brandon Barnholt, CEO of KeHE will speak on rapid market growth from the perspective of a leading natural products distributor. Tickets, including the reception, are $25 for Naturally Chicago members and $40 for non-members. Click LINK for tickets and other information
New coffee product eschews electronics and old instant processes
Steeped, Inc., a Santa Cruz-based startup, has come up with a brewing process similar tea. The company does freshly -ground specialty-coffee, single-serving bags. The product is the result of coffee-lover and serial entrepreneur Josh Wilbur’s seven years of working on premium quality, ethically sourced coffee sans the coffee pods. The product is in nitro-sealed bags to keep the fresh-ground quality. For more information visit Steeped Coffee.